Faculty Senate of Virginia

15,000 Members

Dozens of Colleges

A representative voice for more than 15,000 college and university faculty members in the Commonwealth.

Executive Members

Meet the FSVA 2024/25 Members of the Executive Committee


Carmen Rodriguez

President: Virginia Commonwealth University


Leslie Harlacker

Vice President: James Madison University


Aurelia Donald

Treasurer: Virginia State University

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Our Goals

Since 1972, the Faculty Senate of Virginia has been a representative voice for more than 15,000 college and university faculty members in the Commonwealth.  Our purpose is to:

Building on their ideas

Exchange of Ideas

Provide a forum for the exchange of ideas, encourage and facilitate the enrichment of the academic environment and scholarship, and strengthen education and learning

Reading a book. Education concept.

Advisory Role In Higher Education

Act in an advisory and resource capacity in matters of higher education.

Business people discussing in office

Legislative Body

Participate in formulating policies on academic, education, and administrative concerns affecting faculty, and
Develop and implement legislative strategies to inform political decisions affecting faculty well being and higher education.

Carmen Rodriguez

Useful Links

Check out these useful links for FSVA faculty members.

The Education Secretariat provides guidance to the Virginia Department of Education (VDOE), the Virginia Community College System (VCCS) and The State Council of Higher Education for Virginia (SCHEV), as well as Virginia’s 16 public colleges and universities, 23 community colleges and five higher education and research centers. 

The State Council of Higher Education for Virginia (SCHEV) is the Commonwealth’s coordinating body for higher education. SCHEV was established by the Governor and General Assembly in 1956. 

List of all Colleges and Universtities in Virginia.

The National Center for Public Policy and Higher Education was established in 1998 as a project of the Higher Education Policy Institute to promote public policies that enhance Americans’ opportunities to pursue and achieve high-quality education and training beyond high school. 

Fund Higher Ed Now raises essential monies for higher education programs and projects

Virginia21 empowers college students and young Virginians to be engaged citizens and advocates for issues important to them and Virginia’s future. Founded and led by young people, VA21 envisions a well-educated, prosperous, and civically-engaged Virginia. 

The Alliance for Virginia’s Students was created in 2003 to build a statewide, grassroots advocacy network that promotes state policies and financial support that are necessary for excellence in public education from pre-kindergarten through graduate studies.

The AAUP, founded in 1915 by John Dewey and Arthur Lovejoy, is the country’s oldest professional organization for higher education faculty and has a distinguished history of supporting college and university faculty in the areas of academic freedom and governance. 

Official website of Virginia State General Assembly.

Next Event

Attend our next FSVA conference, open to all members. 


Dear Colleagues,

The Virginia Conference of the American Association of University Professors, The Virginia Commonwealth University Faculty Senate, and The Faculty Senate of Virginia, invite you to join us on Thursday, January 9, 2025, for the annual Virginia Higher Education Advocacy Day. As in past years, we will visit the offices of our state legislators to advocate for our interests and the interests of higher education in the Commonwealth.

You are welcome to bring a student (or several students!) to join us. Legislators always enjoy meeting with our students. Position papers containing key “advocacy issues” will be handed out to faculty. You may share these materials with legislators and/or legislative aides as you visit their offices.

We will as always be active in support of legislation that aims to improve higher education, and oppose legislation that would reduce the quality of higher education and/or erode faculty status and working conditions.

We will keep you posted with detailed information about VHEAD 2025 as we organize this event.