A number of faculty senates and councils across Virginia have discussed concerns about the violence in Charlottesville surrounding the “Unite the Right” event. Collected on this page are resolutions passed by some of those faculty senates and councils.
Statement on “Unite the Right” Event
The Faculty Senate Executive Council and the General Faculty Council strongly condemn the hatred, violence, and intimidation that the supporters of the recent “Unite the Right” event brought to the Charlottesville community and the University of Virginia. We repudiate the white supremacist, white nationalist, and neo-Nazi ideologies lying at the heart of these actions. We confirm our commitment to the values of the academy: that every person has moral worth and dignity, that free inquiry and the pursuit of truth help to improve and repair the world, and that free expression and open deliberation through civil discourse advance understanding and empathy. We stand ready to defend those values against any who seek to undermine them.
Statement on the “Unite the Right” Event in Charlottesville, VA, Aug. 11-12, 2017
UMW University Faculty Council, August 17, 2017
The University Faculty Council of the University of Mary Washington offers solidarity with the students, faculty, and staff at the University of Virginia and with the citizens of Charlottesville in strongly condemning the bigotry, hatred, violence, and intimidation exhibited by supporters of the “Unite the Right” event. Consistent with the values of the academy, we encourage responsible, civil, compassionate, and mutually respectful discourse on the difficult topics of race, identity, and history. We utterly condemn the ideologies espoused by white supremacist, white nationalist, and Nazi groups, which stand for violence, intimidation, and the marginalization of members of our community. We affirm our commitment to diversity and inclusion and to the protection of respectful civil discourse. We, too, “stand ready to defend those values against any who seek to undermine them.”
JMU Faculty Senate Resolution
(passed 9/7/2017)
Faculty Senate Statement on Extremist Violence Impacting the University of Virginia
And Charlottesville Communities
The James Madison University faculty stand with the people of Charlottesville, Virginia, and with our colleagues at the University of Virginia. We condemn the terrorism and violence inflicted in August 2017 by white supremacists that expressed the hatred of African-Americans, Asians, Hispanics, Jews, Muslims, and other integral members of our diverse country. We are also deeply troubled by reports of misogynistic and homophobic language and actions, which compound the violence and hatred directed at members of all of the aforementioned groups. Aubtin Heydari, son of JMU Professor M. Hossain Heydari, suffered serious injuries when he was struck by a car driven into a group of counter-protestors. We extend all our best wishes to Aubtin in the hope of a speedy and full recovery.
The James Madison University community extends its appreciation for the heroic actions of members of the University of Virginia community, including Professor Walt Heinecke, Dean of Students Allen Groves, and librarian Tyler Magill, for rushing to assist University of Virginia students seeking to protect University of Virginia property from the malicious actions of a mob of extremists seeking to spread their message of hate and intolerance. James Madison University expresses its full solidarity with the University of Virginia students and the citizens of Charlottesville who stood against hatred and intolerance, and University of Virginia faculty members who put their concern for their students ahead of their own personal safety.
The James Madison University Faculty Senate supports James Madison University President Jonathan R. Alger in his commitment and plan to establish a university-wide task force to examine how JMU might prepare for possible disruptive actions by groups and individuals intent upon spreading hate and intolerance on the James Madison University campus. James Madison University remains firmly dedicated to civil discourse, diversity and inclusiveness.